Saturday, April 5, 2008

Portrait attempt #1

Images from today's children's portrait test session.

I setup the new backdrop on the backdrop stand. In retrospect, I realize a couple of things. One is that the dog hair from the Thursday session was REALLY REALLY bad (the only editing these photos had was cloning out immense amounts of dog hair). The other is that when you are shooting children and only children, it would be a TON smarter to have the height be a lot less than ten feet up. The extra room on the floor for the kids to play would have been nice. I'll remember that for next time.

I shot with one umbrella off to the left. I started out with it almost completely to the left and with the umbrella practically at floor level. Later I moved it back a few feet, and up a few feet, then aimed the umbrella down. I like the light a lot better in that second position.

There was some fill light from the windows to the right, but not much, as you can see in the photos.

After going through the photos, I have the following conclusions:

1. I think I want a tiny flash for the camera itself to make sure there is always a catch light. Either that, or I want some small light source near or behind where I am photographing from.

2. I needed additional fill light. I really like the quality of the light that the one umbrella gave, but the small amount of additional light from the windows was just not enough in my opinion. I could either have reduced the umbrella flash output to balance more with the window light or supplemented with an additional flash.

3. I don't like the way the background ends up being in the photos. In a few, it was fairly dark, but not completely black. I played a bit with subject<->flash and background<->flash distance as well as shutter speed and ended up with a couple shots where it was darker and a couple shots where it was much brighter. I think I need something to help separate the subject from the background more. I don't like that this sounds like another flash at ALL. Before I look at using another flash to solve that problem, I want to explore alternatives...

Finally, I think my faves are 4, 13, and 14. I tried for over an hour to get good photos of the kids together, but it just didn't happen. I could have the kids near each other and happy, but only for the few seconds just prior to my getting into position to actually take a photo of it. Once I was in position for a photo of them together, Alex would bolt. :(

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